Judy Parker

Dec 9, 2018

1 Holiday Blend

Common Uses: Create a welcoming atmosphere for every holiday gathering with Holiday Blend. This exclusive blend freshens the air as it brightens and warms the spirit.

Application: Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

2 Grounding Kids Blend

Common Uses: For daily centering, or for times when you feel nervous or anxious, rub Grounding Kids Blend on your neck and wrists to calm and comfort your emotions.

Application: Apply topically as needed.

3 Digestive Blend

Common Uses: Digestive Blend is a wonderful companion to aid in the digestion of food, soothe occasional upset stomachs, and reduce uncomfortable gas and bloating.

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Internally: Use one drop of oil in 4 oz. of liquid. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

4 Turmeric

Common Uses: Commonly known for its Ayurvedic health uses, Turmeric is a staple for your daily health routine and, when taken internally, promotes a positive immune function and response.

Application: May be used topically or diffused.

5 Detoxification Complex

Common Uses: Detoxification Complex is a proprietary blend of whole-food extracts in a patented enzyme delivery system that supports healthy cleansing and filtering functions of the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin.

Application: Adults: 2 capsules daily with meals.

6 Sunny Citrus

Common Uses: There’s nothing better than a holiday spent lying on a beautiful, warm, sun-drenched beach in the tropics. Uniting the bright aromas of the most popular citrus oils, Grapefruit and Wild Orange with the zing of Peppermint, this blend captures the essence of the perfect vacation with the proprietary CPTG® essential oil blend, Sunny Citrus. An inspiring reminder of optimism, happiness, and hope, limonene-rich Sunny Citrus is the perfect aromatic complement to your happy and active lifestyle. Diffuse throughout the day to create a bright and elevating ambiance. Sunny Citrus also increases the power of any household cleaning product while it leaves a tantalizing, fresh aroma in your home.

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. it is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air to create a relaxing environment. For Cooking: One drop of essential oil is the equivalent of 2 tsp of dried herb.

7 GI Cleansing Formula

Common Uses: GI Cleansing Formula is a combination of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils and caprylic acid to help support a healthy digestive tract by creating an unfriendly environment for potential threats that can disrupt digestive immunities and cause digestive upset. GI Cleaning Formula is formulated to be used for 10 days as a preparatory cleansing step before using Probiotic Defense Formula.

Application: Adults: Take 1-3 softgels daily with meals for 10 days.

8 Grounding Blend

Common Uses: doTERRA’s grounding blend, appropriately named doTERRA Balance, promotes tranquility while bringing harmony to the mind and body, and balance to the emotions.

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Also works great added to massage oil. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

This report contains independent information from iTOVi and iTOVi claims no rights to the products contained therein. iTOVi is not in any way affiliated with doTERRA. All products contained within the report are the intellectual property of doTERRA. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. If you have any questions about your health, the health of others, if the iTOVi is safe to use, or the products on the iTOVi report, consult your doctor or healthcare provider.

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