Judy Parker

Dec 9, 2018

1 Holiday Joy

Common Uses: Holiday Joy essential oil is a fantastic way to bring holiday cheer right into your home! Combining the scent of Christmas trees with clove, cinnamon, wild orange, and nutmeg culminates the p

Application: Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

2 Grounding Kids Blend

Common Uses: Perfeita para uma utilização diária ou conforme necessário, a mistura Steady tem um aroma suave, acolhedor e ligeiramente frutado. A mistura Steady aproveita os benefícios únicos de óleos essenciais como Amyris, Abeto Balsâmico, Coentro (semente) e Magnólia para proporcionar um efeito calmante quando aplicada topicamente. Aplique a mistura Steady na nuca ou nos pulsos para equilibrar o seu estado de espírito.

Application: Apply topically as needed.

3 ZenGest™

Common Uses: Desfrute de um bem-estar contínuo com o ZenGest. Esta mistura única contém óleos essenciais de Hortelã-Pimenta, Semente de coentro, Gengibre, Alcaravia, Cardamomo, Funcho e Aanis-estrelado, conhecidos por serem benéficos para o desconforto gástrico. Desfrute de tranquilidade a qualquer hora com a Mistura de Apoio ZenGest, um óleo indispensável em viagem ou em casa.

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Internally: Use one drop of oil in 4 oz. of liquid. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

4 Açafrão

Common Uses: O açafrão é uma planta aromática da família do gengibre utilizada há vários séculos na China, na Índia e no Sri Lanka. O açafrão tem um sabor quente e picante que atua como uma excelente explosão de sabores nos seus pratos favoritos. Além disso, pode ser emocionalmente animador e estimulante para o humor.

Application: May be used topically or diffused.

5 Zendocrine® Detoxification Complex

Common Uses: The Detoxification Complex supports the function of the colon, kidneys, lungs, skin, and liver. By combining whole-food extracts with enzymes, this supplement is designed to optimize internal

Application: Adults: 2 capsules daily with meals.

6 Sunny Citrus

Common Uses: The Sunny Citrus blend combines Peppermint with Grapefruit and Wild Orange essential oils to create an energizing blend that uplifts mood, increases motivation, and contains cleansing propert

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. it is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air to create a relaxing environment. For Cooking: One drop of essential oil is the equivalent of 2 tsp of dried herb.

7 Suplemento Alimentar ZenGest™ GX Assist™

Common Uses: As cápsulas moles GX Assist contêm uma combinação de óleos essenciais CPTG™ – Certificado Grau Pureza Testado e ácido caprílico. A fórmula GX Assist foi formulada para ser utilizada durante 10 dias, posteriormente seguidos de 20 dias de PB Assist™+.

Application: Adults: Take 1-3 softgels daily with meals for 10 days.

8 Grounding Blend

Common Uses: O aroma fresco e amadeirado da mistura Balance torna-a um óleo de referência perfeito para utilizar quando precisa de um pouco de harmonia na sua vida. O Abeto, o Ho Wood, o Frankincense, o Tanaceto Azul e a Camomila Azul misturam-se perfeitamente com o Óleo de Coco Fracionado para oferecer uma fragrância sedutora que promove calma, relaxamento e bem-estar.

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Also works great added to massage oil. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

This report contains independent information from iTOVi and iTOVi claims no rights to the products contained therein. iTOVi is not in any way affiliated with doTERRA. All products contained within the report are the intellectual property of doTERRA. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. If you have any questions about your health, the health of others, if the iTOVi is safe to use, or the products on the iTOVi report, consult your doctor or healthcare provider.

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