Judy Parker

Dec 9, 2018

1 Holiday Blend Joy 愉悅假期

Common Uses: Holiday Joy essential oil is a fantastic way to bring holiday cheer right into your home! Combining the scent of Christmas trees with clove, cinnamon, wild orange, and nutmeg culminates the perfect aroma of Christmas. When diffused, this blend will cleanse the air and create a cheery, nostalgic atmosphere that is an ideal way to create memories in your home! 愉悅假期精油是一种将节日欢乐带入您家的绝佳方式!混合圣诞树的香气与丁香,肉桂,野橘和豆蔻,圣诞节的完美香气达到顶峰。擴香时,这混合复方有助于净化空气,营造愉快,怀旧的氛围,是您在家中创造美好回忆的理想方式!

Application: Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

2 安穩寶貝複方精油

Common Uses: 可用於日常需要。或者當您感到緊張或焦慮時,請在您的頸部和手腕上揉搓以平靜和安定您的情緒。

Application: Apply topically as needed.

3 樂活複方精油

Common Uses: 樂活複方精油是您極好的伴侶,既可以幫助消化食物,也可緩解並減少氣體和腹脹帶來的偶發性的胃部不適。*

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Internally: Use one drop of oil in 4 oz. of liquid. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

4 薑黃精油

Common Uses: 通常以其阿育吠陀療法的健康用途而聞名,薑黃是日常健康不可缺少的一部分,當內服時,薑黃可促進身體中積極的免疫功能和反應。*

Application: May be used topically or diffused.

5 Detoxification Complex 清甘复方

Common Uses: The Detoxification Complex supports the function of the colon, kidneys, lungs, skin, and liver. By combining whole-food extracts with enzymes, this supplement is designed to optimize internal cleansing. 清甘复方是一款维持人体肝、肾、肠、肺与皮肤的功能。萃取自天然食物的专利复方精油,拥有专利的酵素运输系统,可帮助内脏健康净化与过滤机能。

Application: Adults: 2 capsules daily with meals.

6 Sunny Citrus 阳光香橙复方

Common Uses: The Sunny Citrus blend combines Peppermint with Grapefruit and Wild Orange essential oils to create an energizing blend that uplifts mood, increases motivation, and contains cleansing properties. Sunny Citrus works great at creating a positive environment when diffused throughout your home or inhaled directly before going out on the town. 阳光香橙复方将薄荷与葡萄柚和野橙精油结合在一起,营造出一个有活力,动力和提振情绪的复方,并含有清洁特性。阳光香橙非常适合在整个家里光或在出门前直接吸入精油。

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. it is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air to create a relaxing environment. For Cooking: One drop of essential oil is the equivalent of 2 tsp of dried herb.

7 腸道淨化腸溶膠囊食品

Common Uses: GX Assist腸道淨化腸溶膠囊結合了CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®專業純正調理級認證精油和辛酸能幫助維護健康的消化道,使侵擾消化免疫功能及造成消化不適的潛在威脅不易於腸胃滋長*。GX Assist 腸道淨化腸溶膠囊為10日配方並做為服用PB Assist® 益生菌膠囊前的清潔準備步驟*。

Application: Adults: Take 1-3 softgels daily with meals for 10 days.

8 安定情緒複方精油

Common Uses: doTERRA的鎮定,寧靜配方,安定情緒複方正如其名,可促進寧靜,同時為身心帶來和諧,並平衡情緒。

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Also works great added to massage oil. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

This report contains independent information from iTOVi and iTOVi claims no rights to the products contained therein. iTOVi is not in any way affiliated with doTERRA. All products contained within the report are the intellectual property of doTERRA. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. If you have any questions about your health, the health of others, if the iTOVi is safe to use, or the products on the iTOVi report, consult your doctor or healthcare provider.

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