Sophie Ray-Jones

Aug 15, 2016

1 Invigorating Blend

Common Uses: Citrus Bliss spája hlavné energizujúce a osviežujúce účinky citrusových esenciálnych olejov. Silné esencie Divokého pomaranča, Citróna, Grapefruitu, Mandarínky, Bergamotu, Tangerínky, Klementínky a náznak čistého výťažku z vanilkového struku sa spájajú v tejto jedinečnej a harmonickej zmesi, ktorá vám určite povznesie náladu.

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

2 Protective Blend

Common Uses: Zmes On Guard je jednou z najpopulárnejších zmesí od spoločnosti dōTERRA a vďaka svojim úžasným účinkom jednoducho nesmie nikomu chýbať. Zmes On Guard môže tiež dodať lahodnú príchuť horúcim nápojom a dezertom!

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Internally: Use one drop of oil in 4 oz. of liquid. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air.

3 Fenikel

Common Uses: Esenciálny olej Fenikel je všeobecne známy a používal sa stáročia. Fenikel je olej sladkej vône s arómou a chuťou, ktorá sa často prirovnáva k sladkému drievku.

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils. Internally: Use one drop of oil in 4 oz. of liquid. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air. For Cooking: One drop of essential oil is the equivalent of 2 tsp of dried herb.

4 Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex®

Common Uses: Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex® is designed to provide relief to joints and muscles. Combining ginger, green tea, frankincense, turmeric, and grape seed, this blend helps to decrease pain-caus

Application: Adults: Take 2 capsules daily with meals.

5 Rozmarín

Common Uses: Rozmarín je aromatický vždyzelený ker, ktorého listy sa často používajú na ochutenie jedál, napríklad plnky do pečenej hydiny, bravčoviny, pečenej jahňaciny, kuraciny a morčaciny. Dlho uctievaný rozmarín sa pokladal v starovekej gréckej, rímskej, egyptskej a hebrejskej kultúre za posvätný. Bylinná energizujúca vôňa rozmarínu sa často používa v aromaterapii a masážnej terapii.

Application: Topically: Use one to two drops of oil. It is recommended that you use a carrier oil to dilute for sensitive skin. Coconut and grapeseed oils are commonly used as carrier oils.Internally: Use one drop of oil in 4 oz. of liquid. Diffusion: Use three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen the air. For Cooking: One drop of essential oil is the equivalent of 2 tsp of dried herb.

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